Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Just in case I don't feel like blogging in a couple of days...

So I had my interview, and I won't be hearing about the job either way until I figured that just in case my hopes of getting this job crash and burn in a giant fireball and I spend the whole weekend upset and in my jammies on the couch, I figured I'd better blog.

I've really started to hate the question, "So how'd the interview go?"  I mean, I guess it went ok...I tried to present myself honestly while still making myself sound awesome and like a perfect fit for their company.  I didn't say anything strange or talk about buttcracks.  I dressed impressively, did my makeup in a subtle but still attractive way, and I even changed my nail polish for the occasion.

Before: China Glaze Bahamian Escape w/ China Glaze White Cap on the ring finger
After: China Glaze Knotty
But, truthfully I won't really know how the interview went until I hear about the job...I have no idea what kind of impression I left with the powers that be, all I know is I tried my best to impress them and that's all I can do.

Other than that, I had a fantastic weekend!  David and I spent Friday night in, watching a movie and eating a meal from Tokyo Express (yum).  Saturday I went for a run with a good friend, and was quite impressed that I made it 4 miles without collapsing and dying at the end considering this is only the second time I have run since I took a 3 month break from it when the time changed.  When I got back, my wonderful hubby surprised me with dinner reservations at a fancy restaurant.  I ordered the butternut squash ravioli, and I think at one point I commented that it was one of the best things I have ever put in my yeah, it was good.  And Sunday I worked the cafe at church and when we got home I think I took at 2-3 hour nap.

I just remembered, there was on thing about the weekend that sucked...we took David's car for an oil change, and ended up spending close to $900 dollars to fix his breaks.  Apparently they were only a few stops away from him careening out of control through a red stoplight, so I'm glad we had it done.  It was just very unexpected and VERY expensive because of the extent of the damage.  Fortunately, we have an emergency fund set up for just such an occasion, so we're really not taking a major blow from this unexpected expense...but still. 

We have used our emergency fund a total of three times, and all for this same car...and yet we keep fooling ourselves into thinking that THIS will be the last major repair the car will need and now it will run like it floats through the air on angels' wings.  We have considered moving closer to my parents for the simple fact that my dad knows how to fix's quite a relocation, but it might just be worth it at this point.  My dad is not a mechanic by trade, but when your mid-life crisis includes buying a junky '67 Mustang and restoring it to pristine condition all on your own, you become a mechanic of sorts.  Before I moved to the south, my dad fixed all of my car issues and all I had to buy was the part...and that would be awesome right about now considering the most recent car bill we paid was about $800 labor, $70 parts. 

My hubby's masculinity takes a hit everytime something goes wrong with our cars because he doesn't know the last thing about how to fix them.  It's not his fault, his dad is a pastor and the main skill he taught David was how to carry on a conversation with just about anyone.  Even under my dad's daily influence, I know nothing about cars AND I have awkward social at least David learned something from his dad. 

Not to say that I learned nothing from my dad...he's an accountant, and I'm pretty good with numbers and stuff...

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