Saturday, February 12, 2011

The Ramblings of a Morning Person

Something awful and humiliating has happened to me ever since I became a "real" grown-up with a "real" job and "real" responsibilities...apparently I have become a morning person.  Honestly, I've always shown signs of being this way in that I always preferred waking up at the crack of dawn to take an early college class over sleeping all day and then going to a night class.  But for crying out loud, I'm only 25 and the fact that almost every night I go to bed at  around 9 and if I don't I start to get a little cranky is just sad.  It helps that my husband shares this affliction of early to bed early to rise, but he is definitely still a night owl.  Take last night for instance, we both stayed up until 1:30am which is just ridiculously late for us and we were gloating about the fact that we would most certainly sleep in this morning.  And yet here I am, pounding away at my keyboard at 7:30am, while he is so dead to the world that he didn't even hear me get up.  And I'm not even upset by the fact that the sun still rising rapidly in the sky.  No, I'm anxious to catch up on all the makeup videos I've missed on YouTube and to paint ridiculous lovey hearts on my already pink fingernails for Valentine's day.  It makes me feel so...old.

Essie Ballet Slippers w/ Konad Red

Speaking of feeling old, I stayed home sick from work on Thursday.  I have never once in the 2 1/2 years I have worked in that office called in sick, but on that day David gave me an ultimatum..."either you call in sick or I'm calling for you".  So I put on my big girl pants and called in my own sick day (by leaving a message on the answering machine at 7:30, knowing full well that no one would be around to answer the phone and the messages wouldn't be checked until everyone got to work at 9).  I felt really guilty about taking a day off for about a second, then I fell asleep for 6 hours.  And it wasn't even a chemically enhanced sleep, as no medicine had been introduced to my system at all that day.  The only thing that interrupted my slumber was my dang office calling me 4 times...4 TIMES!?!?  It was insulting and complementary at the same time.  Complimentary in that clearly they cannot survive a whole day of work without me and if that's not job security I don't know what is.  Insulting in that it made me feel like they thought I was faking the whole sick thing and would be more than happy to chat on the phone about something stupid like "what the password is for the OCT machine and oh yeah, you know all that complicated training you went through to learn how to use it, can you give me a brief summary over the phone so I can preform one unsuccessfully and basically steal someones money for doing so?"  That made me a little angry, and I marched into work the next day ready to give the girl who's job I basically do a piece of my mind for forcing another inexperienced coworker to call me in the middle of my sleep to ask questions about a machine that she went through the same rigorous training for...and then I found out that she had called in sick for work that day did another girl who is partially cross-trained in my job.  So to sum up, three of our staff members were at work and three were sick, and unfortunately the half who actually know how to do what I do were the ones who were gone.


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